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FORD POWERSTROKE DIESEL Diagnostic/Reference CD 1992-2004
This is the Ford Power Stroke Turbo Diesel Diagnostic and Reference CD covering 1992-2004! Easy, fully printable Adobe Acrobat format, (included in CD - all versions will work).

Covers subjects for the 6.0 Liter AND 7.3 Liter Powerstroke Diesel engines including:

**Diagnostics **Electrical System **Reference **DTC Code Charts **Code Descriptions **Turbo Charger System **High Pressure Oil System **Service Procedures **Glow Plug System **Pressure Specifications **Diagnostic Flow Charts **Shift Lock System **Fuel System **WIRING DIAGRAMS **Connector Information **Conversion program for all measurements, and Much More.

If you provide maintenence for yourself, shop or a fleet, this manual is a must have!


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